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Our commitment

We all depend on nature.

© Susan Tumuhairwe

Nature is not only a beautiful thing to behold or a restorative retreat for the weary soul, it is the quintessential life provider: supplying food that nourishes, water that replenishes and the raw energy that ignites so many aspects of our modern mostly urban world.

Our shared future

From our impact on our fast changing climate to our free flowing rivers, expansive life giving oceans to vast food supplying landscapes, WWF Uganda Country Office catalyses strategic initiatives where there is the greatest need to restore balance, reduce impact and protect our country’s vital resources and natural biodiversity.

By ensuring healthy functioning natural systems, and the species and communities that are an integral part of them, we can help restore and reinforce our planet’s natural defences.

Did you know?

WWF’s Mission is to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.

© Susan Tumuhairwe
Our contribution

To achieve our mission – our vital contribution as WWF  is to work towards;

-Conserving the world's biological diversity
-Ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable
-Promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption

WWF Uganda Country Office specifically delivers its conservation out comes through three thematic programs; Forestry & biodiversity, Energy & climate and Fresh water. This is done under three broad strategic objectives:

1. To conserve the integrity of Uganda's forest ecosystems with a balanced mix of forest policy, wildlife, expansion of forest estate, good governance and community livelihoods interventions.

2. To develop and promote access to cost effective and environmentally friendly energy solutions for domestic, insttutional and product energy needs of the country.

3. To promote the preservation of priority water catchments in Uganda in order to sustain water quantity, quality and ecosystem functions for sustainable livelihoods and production.


We need the support of everyday citizens to provide small regular donations so that we can continue to do the vital work that we do.


"Nothing in the conservation world can be achieved without passion." – Valli Moosa, WWF South Africa chairman

© Susan Tumuhairwe